Subject research (smile)

Toxic Positivity is when people place a high value on their own happiness. It is expected to leave a person less happy, especially in contexts where they most expect to feel happyThis tendency to expect happiness and then to feel disappointed or to blame themselves for not feeling happy enough, has been linked to greater depressive symptoms and deficits in well-being. People who expected to feel happy (valuing being happy), also tended to see their negative emotional states as a sign of failure in life and lacked acceptance of these emotional experiences. This discomfort with negative emotions explained why they had lower levels of well-being. On the other hand, people who pursued happiness indirectly (prioritising being positive), did not see their negative emotional states this way. They were more accepting of low feelings and did not see them as a sign they were failing in life.

This article could be used in my video. As a way of showing the audience that maybe just being positive can help.

Retail therapy is where shopping is used to make a person feel better. 

In 2011 Selin Atalay HEC (Paris, France) and Margaret G. Meloy (Pennsylvania State University) stated that “Retail therapy” is often applied to the notion of trying to cheer oneself up through the purchase of self-treats. Specifically, bad moods are improved by engaging in potentially uplifting activities or distracting oneself from the negative event. This means when you are sad, going out and trying to distract yourself does help. This is because you are doing something you like, and getting rewarded by it. 

Also, good moods are sustained by avoiding risky activities that might potentially dampen the positive feelings or result in losses. Meaning that good moods are sustained by not doing things that risk changes of mood for example, talking to someone you don't like or taking on a task you are not good at. 

However, most mood regulation activity is motivated by the goal of repairing a bad mood. As the goal of mood repair is being pursued, the active pursuit of other goals may be diminished. Self-regulation theory suggests that bad moods cause individuals to fail at self-regulation.  In other words, when a person is seeking out happiness from the retail therapy, it doesn't work aswell due to the fact that in the "rush" for happiness, you disregard everything else. Meaning, that people end up going in debt and begin over spending. this would obviously bring short term joy to people and more long term stress. This type of retail therapy brings the same side effects of smoking and excessive drinking. People become addicted to the activity and the withdrawal can often be hard.

Also shown in the Article is the 2013 study  that concludes that the reason people enjoy shopping is usually because they feel in control of what they are buying, which in return makes them feel excited to wear the clothes. Within reason, shopping can be good for you but it shouldn't be what you depend on. As said in the article, If you consistently use shopping to cope with distress, it can become a less than ideal way of dealing with what’s troubling you, whether that’s a huge assignment at work or serious issues in your relationship.The temporary mood boost associated with shopping can prevent you from seeking help that would offer more significant, long lasting benefits. This would make you have more short bursts of happiness and longer lasting sadness.

Overall this article shows that buying and having short term happiness isn't the right route to go down. Also, this applies to all aspects of life. Just doing a hobby you enjoy isn't sufficient enough. Eventually this hobby will become boring and repetitive. In order to keep the joy of activities consistent, happiness and positivity should be extinguished before the activity in order for the maintenance of happiness instead of rises and dips.

Exercise is a great way to boost your mood. 

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive and fulfilled feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as "euphoric." That feeling, known as a "runner's high," can be accompanied by a positive and energising outlook on life.

Regular exercise has been proven to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression
  • Boost self-esteem
  • Improve sleep

Stress is normally due to one of two reasons:

  • Situations or events that put pressure on us – for example, times where we have lots to do and think about, or don't have much control over what happens.
  • Our reaction to being placed under pressure – the feelings we get when we have demands placed on us that we find difficult to cope with.
Although these might be the reasons of stress, there is no definition of what stress is actually down to. Many people say that their stress in these situations are coming from the fact they are under lots of pressure, facing big changes, worrying about something, not having much or any control over the outcome of a situation, having responsibilities that you're finding overwhelming, not having enough work, activities or change in your life, times of uncertainty.

During the process of stress a lot of people report physical side effects. These side effects are reported to be where the person feels tense in their muscles and joints. Extended amounts of stress can cause the muscles of a person to become tight and in pain. By doing exercise, a person can release the tension in their muscles. 

According to this article stress can be relived by the simple act of smiling. By smiling others around you are comforted and made more relaxed. therefore the environment you are in becomes happier and easier to manage. This is then reported as helping people destress more. When people are happy, we tend to always smile. This means that the pathways in our brain are used to receiving smiling as positive. Therefore, by smiling we send signals to our brain that we are happy. In the same way our own brain recognises our smiling, others recognise you're smiling. so by smiling, you make everyone happ.


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