Canon Feedback

 In order to make sure that my posters work and relate to the audience how I wanted, I will need to make sure to ask for feedback. I will look at the feedback, positive or negative and find ways of improving these. By improving o issues, the audience will receive the poster better and it will make sure that the posters are less distracting and more indulging for the viewer. The less problems the audience see, the better.

Everyone understood what the posters story is about, I will confirm this later on by asking about their interpretation. However, for now, the audience are able to come to their own decision. There is no confusion. The client is visible in the posters which is expected as they are on every poster. I believe that by making the posters simple and minimalistic, there is no confusion and the client is well defined. 

People believe that the posters relate to the target audience and it seems to be due to the fact that most think it gives motivation or emotions. This is great as it is exactly what I wished to convey to them. 

People interpreted the posters slightly different to each other. However, everyone thought that it documented the progress of taking a photo and giving inspiration to do it themself. This is great as it means that my ideas worked well. these ideas will be explained in more depth and detail in my evaluation.


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