Smile video feedback

 In order to make sure that the video is engaging and as engaging with the audience, we must do a screening to a small group of people. By having a screening, we are able to see real peoples reactions to the picture and see if they understand what the video is about and see if they feel any emotions with the video itself. After screening, I will conduct a form that allows me to see their feedback on the film. To me, the most important pieces of feedback is the negatives. Anything that a viewer finds wrong with a product, will be what they remember the most. So, after my feedback I will need to go back into post production and change what is faulty with the product.

Thankfully, the audience well received the the message and client of the video. This is  already great as it means that the editing used was able to keep the storyline streamline and effective. By having everyone understand, this means that my purpose of the video has been successfully done. As stated before, I wanted the video to be very simple and easy to understand, by the current feedback so far, it shows that everyone understood the video.
The interpretations of the video were very well understood with everyone knowing the basis storyline. although everyone had a different interpretation, everyone knew that it was about getting out and being happy/ relaxing. As shown before, I wanted to relate to my target audience in the video and show their lives. The aim was to show that although the day starts gloomy, it can turn into a warm, bright, happy day. Therefore, by the fact my audience related it to that age range, this means that my video was successful in targeting that age.
The audience believe that technical skill was well shown. Although there wasn't any insane or unique transitions within the video, the video was edited so the storyline was uninterrupted which resulted in a better video. Using no movement in camera was a big risk to take in a video as it can come across as poor planning and very bad technical use. However, using a static camera was meant to show seriousness and help focus on the character. From the feedback, some people thought that there could have been a bit of movement, but overall everyone thought that having a static camera helped show the seriousness and the focus of the story.
The audience that was screened to, was part of the demographic and they said that they believed that the video related to them. For future projects i want to keep the audience more engaged visually. Although a story is important, it must look good. Therefore by asking the demographic what they thought their favorite shot was, I can see what types of shots appeal visually to people. Some people found that the videos with the most amount of colors were best and some didn't care at all. From this I can see that color is what keeps audiences engaged. The last, and most vital, part of my feedback is what would be changed. Almost all everyone said the font at the end. this was no surprise to me as I was slightly nervous and unsure about the font. However, due to all the possible things that could have gone wrong, i don't believe that having to change a font is a massive issue and can be easily changed. 


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