podcast post-production


To start off editing, I began by importing my music and dialogue. At the beginning I had problems talking so there is slight issues with how clear my speech is. To cover this up I am going to make sure that the music covers up my speech at the start. I am going to make the music slowly fade out and fade in towards the end of the music. I chose the selected music as it is up beat. By juxtaposing with the deep content of the podcast, it will hopefully bring a balanced and relaxed feeling to the conversation.

I was unable to edit much of the podcast due to issues with the recording of the podcast itself. This is discussed further in my podcast production. My plan was to start post production and because of my past experiences with editing, I gave myself three weeks to complete the editing process. During the first week of post production, I began by adding the music and making sure it faded in well. I began by doing some basic cuts and stitching. 

The next time of post production, I found myself being ill and unable to come into college to edit my podcast. From this I have learned that when making and thinking about production, there should be time allowed for moments like this. In the future I will try to aim to have things finished a week early in order to allow space for technical or personal issues. Although this will result in my final product being to a low quality, I have learnt further about problem solving. The final product will be harmed but in the future, the chances of this will be minimised by taking the lessons learnt and the right precautions. 

Once I was better I came into production with the mindset of getting the podcast finished as it was only basic cuts and edits that were needed. Sadly, the edits did not save and my progress was lost. This meant that the final product was going to be a fail and a complete flop. Everything went well with the planning and I became too relaxed and confident with how the rest would work out. Although this is bad, it means that in the future products I make, I will not make the same mistakes. All I could do was try my best and get as far as I possibly could. The writing below shows what edits I was able to complete.

When editing, I made my (command+left click) to cut. This meant that I could cut and slice audio quickly and effectively without moving my hands. The idea of cutting and splicing is in order to cut out unnecessary vocals or noises. As explained in my pre production of the main campaign and the podcast pre production, the target audience have a low attention span. By cutting out unwanted breaths, coughs, "ummms" and awkward silences, the audience are staying engaged without any possible distractions. In order to do this effectively, it is harder than just a straight cut. In order to make sure that there was no awkward sounds of a half breath or a change in background noise, I had to zoom into the clips themselves and make precise cuts that were milliseconds accurate. I found these quite hard to do as the audio isn't playing back in time with the movement of my playing. For example if I could visually see a jump in audio, it wouldn't play the audio until a couple of seconds later. Therefore most, if not all of my edits were done visually and not by listening. The delayed audio resulted in delayed editing times. When trying to make a simple cut, I found myself missing the cut and taking a while to find the correct position to cut. 
As shown in this track, I had to make sure that the clips blended well together. This meant that I had to zoom into the track itself and make a precise edit.

By doing this, it made a seamless edit which in return, will keep the audience engaged within the storyline. 

Even if I made a clean edit, background noise may have caused problems. This in itself is hard to edit out. Therefore, to try blend the tracks, I used the fade tool. This slowly fade out audio which resulted in a less harsh cut. Also, to mask it even more, I cut the track where someone else was talking so the cuts were less audible.

By fading, it allowed me to make sure that any background noise was fading out instead of having a hard cut edit. This will make sure that background noise is less audible and more professional.
